
Note: English translations

I have decided to change my policy on English translations, since I feel that I have reached a level where I can attempt them now.

I will only be translating songs that I feel I can provide a reasonably accurate translation for. That being said, I am still learning and I am prone to error/misinterpretation, so please feel free to correct any mistakes that you see!

All translated songs are tagged under English translation.


  1. Hi, I'm happy to see you've started to attempt English translations! I enjoyed reading your translation of 40mP's Happy Ending. The line "please let the two of them ..." sounds a bit strange to me. It means a third party is praying for the couple. The Japanese sentence is incomplete, but I think it sounds better to say "But they only wished for ..." If it's OK, I have a question, how do you interpret 歩いてきました?

    1. Thank you for your input!

      I actually translated the entire song in third person, not just that one line. To me, it felt like the whole song was a third party reading out of a fairy tale book, because of the repeated "once upon a time" and "they lived happily ever after." Figuring out who the speaker was in this one was a bit difficult, so I'm not sure ;A;
      To me, どうか二人に makes it sound like a third party is speaking. I feel like if it was "but they only wished for..." it would be something like 二人はそっと穏やかな毎日を(過ごすようにと願った)? I think...

      For 歩いてきました, I translated it as "they began to walk," kind of like how 雨が降ってきました means "it started to rain." From what I understand, てくる expresses a change that started in the past and has continued to the present, so I think 歩いてきました is the subject starting to walk sometime in the past and has continued walking up until the time of speaking (and possibly beyond?).

    2. Thanks for your quick reply. OK, I understand why you translated it that way. About 歩いてきました, my question is what does aruku mean, since it's not literally walking.

    3. Ohh I see, sorry for the misunderstanding!
      I see it as moving forward with life in this context.

  2. Thanks. Looking forward to more of your translations!頑張ってね。

  3. I really wanna the translation into English
